Crypto Deposit and Withdrawal Fees

Deposit Fees
NetworkMinimum DepositDeposit FeeConversion Fee
Ethereum ERC200.000000016.50000000 USDT-
Binance Smart Chain BEP200.000000011.20000000 USDT-
Tron TRC200.000000010.50000000 USDT-
NetworkMinimum DepositDeposit FeeConversion Fee
Ethereum0.000000010.00130000 ETH~2.98269400 USDTUp to 0.50%
NetworkMinimum DepositDeposit FeeConversion Fee
Bitcoin0.000000010.00015000 BTC~8.18939850 USDTUp to 0.50%
NetworkMinimum DepositDeposit FeeConversion Fee
Dogecoin0.000000016.50000000 DOGE~0.61743500 USDTUp to 0.50%
NetworkMinimum DepositDeposit FeeConversion Fee
Binance Smart Chain0.000000010.00165000 BNB~0.81658500 USDTUp to 0.50%
NetworkMinimum DepositDeposit FeeConversion Fee
Tron0.000000015.00000000 TRX~0.75750000 USDTUp to 0.50%
NetworkMinimum DepositDeposit FeeConversion Fee
Ethereum ERC200.000000016.50000000 USDCUp to 0.50%
Binance Smart Chain BEP200.000000011.20000000 USDCUp to 0.50%
NetworkMinimum DepositDeposit FeeConversion Fee
Litecoin0.000000010.00032000 LTC~0.02016320 USDTUp to 0.50%
NetworkMinimum DepositDeposit FeeConversion Fee
Ethereum ERC200.000000016.50000000 FDUSDUp to 0.50%
Binance Smart Chain BEP200.000000011.20000000 FDUSDUp to 0.50%
NetworkMinimum DepositDeposit FeeConversion Fee
Ethereum ERC200.000000010.00280000 PAXGUp to 0.50%
NetworkMinimum DepositDeposit FeeConversion Fee
Ethereum ERC200.000000016.50000000 DAIUp to 0.50%
Binance Smart Chain BEP200.000000011.20000000 DAIUp to 0.50%
Withdrawal Fees
NetworkMinimum WithdrawalWithdrawal Fee
Ethereum ERC2010.000000005.00000000 USDT
Binance Smart Chain BEP2010.000000001.00000000 USDT
Tron TRC2010.000000001.50000000 USDT